Amit Malviya on Mamata Banerjee: Recently completed Lok Sabha Elections Since then, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has been questioning the state's Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee regarding the law and order situation in West Bengal. Meanwhile, BJP IT cell head Amit Malviya shared a video on his social media platform X, in which a man is seen brutally beating a man and a woman with a stick. He has claimed that this video is from Lakshmikantapur in North Dinajpur, West Bengal.
Woman brutally beaten
The head of the BJP IT cell alleged, “The boy who is brutally beating a woman in the video is named Tajemul, who is famous in the area as JCB. He is famous in the area for giving instant justice through his Insaaf Sabha.” He alleged that Tajemul is close to TMC MLA Hamidul Rahman.”
Sharia court under TMC rule
Amit Malviya alleged, “India must be aware of the reality of Sharia courts in TMC-ruled West Bengal. Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee is a curse for women. There is no trace of law and order in Bengal. Will Mamata Banerjee take action against this monster or defend him like she stood up for Sheikh Shahjahan?”
This is the ugly face of Mamata Banerjee's rule in West Bengal.
The man who is brutally beating the woman in the video is named Tajemul (popularly known as JCB in the area). He is famous for delivering quick justice through his 'Insaaf' Sabha and is a close associate of Chopra MLA Hamidur.
— Amit Malviya (@amitmalviya) June 30, 2024
BJP accused of increasing violence in Bengal
Earlier on Thursday (27 June 2024), Amit Malviya had questioned CM Mamata Banerjee and said that the increasing political violence in West Bengal is a matter of concern. He had alleged that a female BJP party worker was stripped and beaten in Cooch Behar district.
After this, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Shubhendu Adhikari on Friday (June 28) alleged that Trinamool Congress supporters in Cooch Behar district of West Bengal beat up a woman leader of his party's Minority Front.
Adhikari, the leader of opposition in the West Bengal assembly, said he had written to the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), National Commission for Women (NCW) and National Commission for Minorities (NCM) about the incident that took place on June 25 and requested them to investigate it.