Recent research shows that people who consume higher amounts of vitamin C are healthier. Calcium And those who consumed zinc in the three months before conception had a significantly reduced risk of developing hypertensive disorders. Pregnancy compared to those with low intakes of these important minerals. These findings underscore the importance of prioritizing nutrition before conception, not just during pregnancy, to support healthy pregnancies (1 reliable source
Higher intake of calcium and zinc is associated with healthier pregnancy outcomes
) “Our findings underscore the importance of pre-conception dietary intake of calcium and zinc in reducing the risk of hypertensive disorders during pregnancy,” said Liping Lu, MD, PhD, who conducted the research as a postdoctoral research scientist at Columbia University and is now an assistant professor at Ball State University. “Higher intakes of zinc and calcium, obtained from diet and supplements before conception, are associated with a reduced risk of hypertensive disorders during pregnancy.”
Importance of Preconception Nutrition for a Healthy Pregnancy
Hypertension or high blood pressure is one of the most common disorders of pregnancy and can harm both the pregnant woman and the developing fetus. Consider its possible adverse effects. antihypertensive medications During pregnancy, researchers have focused on opportunities to prevent dangerous high blood pressure-related disorders such as pre-eclampsia through modifiable factors such as nutrition.
Although many people start paying attention to their nutrition after becoming pregnant, the researchers said a person's nutritional status before conception is just as important, as it can often take time for the body to correct deficiencies or imbalances.
“Women's health during the pre-conception period is strongly associated with pregnancy outcome,” Lu said. “Adequate nutrient or mineral stores in the body before conception can ensure optimal nutrient status for conception and support the early stages of fetal growth and development.”
The researchers conducted two separate studies using data from more than 7,700 pregnant women across the US who provided information about their health and diet through a study called the Nulliparous Pregnancy Outcomes Study: Monitoring Mothers-to-Be. One study focused on calcium while the other focused on zinc. The researchers analyzed the association between pre-conception intake of each mineral and rates of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, while taking into account demographic, lifestyle and health factors that are also related to hypertension risk.
Results showed that those in the highest quintile of preconception calcium intake were 24% less likely to have a hypertensive disorder during pregnancy than those in the lowest quintile. For zinc, participants were divided into quartiles and those with the highest preconception zinc intake were 38% less likely to have a hypertensive disorder during pregnancy than those with the lowest zinc intake.
As observational studies, Lu noted that the results do not necessarily prove causation. However, the findings match other studies that have linked higher intakes of the two minerals with a lower risk of high blood pressure-related diseases outside of pregnancy. In addition, both calcium and zinc are known to play important roles in metabolic processes related to maintaining blood vessel health, which provides a plausible biological explanation for the notion that these minerals may help prevent blood pressure disorders.
According to recommendations from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, women of childbearing age should consume 1,000 milligrams of calcium and 8 milligrams of zinc daily.
- Higher intake of calcium and zinc is associated with healthier pregnancy outcomes – (