According to Health Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao, Karnataka has witnessed a 42% rise in dengue cases.There have been 6,187 fewer dengue cases compared to last year. He also directed officials to conduct door-to-door awareness campaigns in the capital Bengaluru. Rao said 6,187 dengue positive cases have been found in the state, while six people have died since January.
Information on Dengue Fever
Cases were also reported from Bengaluru, Chikkamagaluru, Mysuru, Haveri, Chitradurga, Shivamogga and Dakshina Kannada districts, he said.
Minister Rao said, “Health officials have been directed to fix testing prices for private hospitals. Detecting dengue at an early stage can prevent deaths. Officials have been directed to take action and remain vigilant in this regard.”
He said Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) officials and Asha workers should conduct door-to-door campaigns in Bengaluru and create awareness about dengue.
“Medical officers of primary health units in rural areas should make compulsory visits to schools and make children aware about dengue. Science teachers have already been trained about larvae and destruction of dengue,” the minister said. He said the government will also launch a campaign on Friday for prevention of dengue.
- Dengue and severe dengue – (