Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis dismissed Uddhav Thackeray's criticism of the budget, saying the Shiv Sena (Shiv Sena) leader had once admitted he did not understand it. Devendra Fadnavis' comments came after Uddhav Thackeray described Maharashtra's budget as a “flurry of assurances” and a “false story”.
The former chief minister of Maharashtra said It pretends to give something For every section of the society.
“Uddhav Thackeray had said earlier too, and that too on the stage, that he does not understand the budget. When he has said something like this, there is no need to react to his comment.” Devendra Fadnavis Claimed.
Speaking further about the Budget 2024-25 presented in the Assembly on Friday, June 28, Devendra Fadnavis said that it “brings happiness to all sections of the society with various welfare schemes.”
“The budget is a gift for our sisters. We will give them 1500 per monthDevendra Fadnavis said, “We have promised free electricity, three free gas cylinders and 100 per cent subsidy to women. Farmers will be given free electricity and three free gas cylinders. Earlier, we had given 50 per cent discount to women in state transport.”
Replying to a question, the Deputy Chief Minister said that cotton and soybean farmers, majority of whom are from Vidarbha, will get relief from the budget announcements and the financial assistance will be deposited directly into their bank accounts.
The senior Bharatiya Janata Party leader said the decision on DBT for them had already been taken but it could not be implemented due to the model code of conduct in force for the Lok Sabha elections.
“Dairy farmers will get subsidy 5 rupees per liter. Chief Minister's Girl Sister Scheme, provision of three free gas cylinders, He said, “Rs 10,000 scholarship for youth etc has brought happiness to all sections of the society. The Chief Minister and the Finance Minister have presented a very good budget.”