Fujifilm Instax Mini SE was launched in India on Monday. This instant camera joins the brand's line of other mini Instax cameras. The company has confirmed that the camera will be available for purchase in the country later this month through online and offline channels. It is said to come with improved elements compared to older versions of the camera and also has manual brightness control. Notably, the Fujifilm Instax Pal digital camera Unveiled This incident took place in the country in February this year.
Fujifilm Instax Mini SE price and availability in India
Fujifilm's Instax Mini SE price in India starts at Rs 8,499 for the “Mini SE Fun Pack” with 10 shots, while the “Mini SE Joy Pack” with 40 shots costs Rs 9,999. Each shot is equivalent to one sheet of 'Mini' film.
This instant camera will be available for sale in the country from July 10 through Instax India. Website And choose Available at offline retail stores, the Fujifilm Instax Mini SE is available in blue, green, light grey, pink, and purple colour options.
Features of Fujifilm Instax Mini SE
The Fujifilm Instax Mini SE lets users manually control the exposure level before clicking an image. This is done via a brightness control dial, which can be rotated to adjust the exposure level. This is useful when shooting in bright light conditions.
The film used in the Fujifilm Instax Mini SE is sized at 86 x 54 mm, with a picture area of ​​62 x 46 mm. Films are said to be ready in about 90 seconds. The camera is also equipped with a 0.4x viewfinder that shows the target location for easy shot framing.
Fujifilm's Instax Mini SE lens has a focal length of 60mm and a shutter speed of 1/60 second.
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