Kalki 2898 AD Released with huge expectations and the box office collections did not disappoint! The film grossed a whopping Rs 95 crore on Thursday, including Rs 65 crore from the Telugu version and Rs 22.5 crore from the Hindi version. Kalki 2898 AD registered an extended weekend gross of Rs 300 crore across all languages ​​in India.
Kalki 2898 AD's collections dropped by a massive 60.77 per cent on Monday and it earned only Rs 34.6 crore. The highest business came from the Telugu version – Rs 14.5 crore and the Hindi version – Rs 16.5 crore. While Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam showed marginal growth overall. At the end of five days, Kalki 2898 AD collected a total of Rs 343.6 crore, which includes Rs 182 crore from Telugu, Rs 20.3 crore from Tamil, Rs 128 crore from Hindi, Rs 2.1 crore from Kannada and Rs 11.2 crore from the Malayalam version, reports Sakanilka. Meanwhile, the film's worldwide four-day weekend collection stands at Rs 519 crore.
director AshwinKalki 2898 A.D. features a cast of Amitabh Bachchan, Kamala hasan, Radiance, Deepika Padukone and Disha Patani. The film is inspired by Hindi scriptures and is set in a post-apocalyptic world in 2898 AD. The film is made on a massive budget of Rs 600 crore, making it one of the most expensive Indian films.
During the promotions of the film, Amitabh Bachchan had revealed that he was amazed by Nag Ashwin's vision for Kalki 2898 A.D. Big B had shared, “When Nag Ashwin came to me and explained his idea to me, for a long time after he left I kept thinking, 'What is Nagi drinking?' To see something that is absolutely outrageous, the visuals that you see are just unbelievable. For someone to imagine a project that is so futuristic and possible… and during the making of the film you realise that no matter what they thought, they actually brought all the material, all the effects, every kind of vision to the screen and it has been really amazing. For me to be a part of it, has been an experience I will never forget.”
Kalki 2898 AD's collections dropped by a massive 60.77 per cent on Monday and it earned only Rs 34.6 crore. The highest business came from the Telugu version – Rs 14.5 crore and the Hindi version – Rs 16.5 crore. While Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam showed marginal growth overall. At the end of five days, Kalki 2898 AD collected a total of Rs 343.6 crore, which includes Rs 182 crore from Telugu, Rs 20.3 crore from Tamil, Rs 128 crore from Hindi, Rs 2.1 crore from Kannada and Rs 11.2 crore from the Malayalam version, reports Sakanilka. Meanwhile, the film's worldwide four-day weekend collection stands at Rs 519 crore.
director AshwinKalki 2898 A.D. features a cast of Amitabh Bachchan, Kamala hasan, Radiance, Deepika Padukone and Disha Patani. The film is inspired by Hindi scriptures and is set in a post-apocalyptic world in 2898 AD. The film is made on a massive budget of Rs 600 crore, making it one of the most expensive Indian films.
During the promotions of the film, Amitabh Bachchan had revealed that he was amazed by Nag Ashwin's vision for Kalki 2898 A.D. Big B had shared, “When Nag Ashwin came to me and explained his idea to me, for a long time after he left I kept thinking, 'What is Nagi drinking?' To see something that is absolutely outrageous, the visuals that you see are just unbelievable. For someone to imagine a project that is so futuristic and possible… and during the making of the film you realise that no matter what they thought, they actually brought all the material, all the effects, every kind of vision to the screen and it has been really amazing. For me to be a part of it, has been an experience I will never forget.”
'Kalki 2898 AD': Deepika Padukone's leaked scene goes viral