Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP from Himachal's Mandi, Kangana Ranaut, on Monday launched a scathing attack on opposition leader Rahul Gandhi. Lok Sabha He suggested in his speech that the Congress leader should take some 'therapy sessions' immediately.
Calling his statements “irresponsible”, Kangana said that many psychologists agree that the pressure from the family to be like someone else has made her (Rahul Gandhi) was facing an “identity crisis”. He mocked the Congress leader's statement that there is no “one Rahul”; rather, he has two forms.
“Apart from whatever irresponsible statements Rahul Gandhi made in his first speech as the leader of the opposition, he also said that he is not one Rahul but two, out of whom one will now live for the country.” Constitution And the other one… the other one he has killed,” the Mandi MP wrote in a post on X (formerly Twitter).
“This is no joke, Rahul ji should immediately take some therapy sessions. Many psychologists will agree that pressure from family/mother to be like someone else can give anyone an identity crisis…,” he suggested.
In his first speech as the leader of the opposition, Rahul Gandhi ji, apart from making many irresponsible statements, also said that he is not one Rahul, but two, one will now live for the Constitution and the other… the other for what he has…
– Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) July 1, 2024
She said, “There is so much contradiction, conflict and pain in that statement by Rahul Ji. Rahul Ji even told the Hon'ble Defence Minister that he sees two of them. Statements like these are absolutely worrying and I can't stop thinking about the psychological underlying emotion of such behaviour.” Parliament,
Rahul Gandhi's Lok Sabha speech
during Lok Sabha Session On Monday, the Congress leader attacked the ruling BJP, saying Hinduism does not mean “spreading fear, hatred and lies.” He also accused the BJP of launching a systematic attack on the Constitution and the basic idea of India.
Gandhi said, “It is not only one religion that talks of courage. In fact, all our religions talk of courage… Lord Shiva says do not be afraid, do not be afraid, shows abhaya mudra (holding the right hand straight with palm facing outwards), talks of non-violence, but those who call themselves Hindus indulge in hatred, violence and untruth twenty-four hours a day.”
He said, “I was attacked on the orders of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. There were more than 20 cases, the house was snatched away…ED questioned me for 55 hours. I feel good that now BJP people are chanting 'Jai Samvidhaan' after me.”