real me launched its first tablet — Realme Pad — in India in 2021. The Chinese tech brand currently has a few tablet models in its portfolio. If the rumours turn out to be true, the third version of the Realme Pad could hit the market soon. The exact launch date of the tablet has not been shared by Realme yet, but earlier, the tablet has appeared on the IMEI database. As per rumours, the Realme Pad 3 is expected to be an upgrade over the Realme Pad 2. The latter runs on the MediaTek Helio G99 SoC and packs a 8,360mAh battery.
The IMEI database list is as follows: speckled A post released by GizmoChina shows a Realme tablet with model number RMP2402. It is expected to be sold as Realme Pad 3. Although the listing only reveals the model number, it is expected to get SIM card support.
Realme currently sells the Realme Pad, Realme Pad Mini, Realme Pad SlimRealme Pad 2, and Realme Pad X Tablet. The first was the Realme Pad Launched in India It will be launched in September 2021 with a price tag of Rs 17,999. The Realme Pad 3 is rumoured to come as the successor to the Realme Pad 3. Realme Pad 2Who Launched in July The price of 6GB RAM + 128GB storage variant in 2023 is Rs 19,999.
Specifications of Realme Pad 2
The Realme Pad 2 features an 11.5-inch display with 2K resolution and 120Hz refresh rate. It runs on the MediaTek Helio G99 SoC, paired with up to 8GB of RAM and 256GB of storage. Users can expand the total RAM up to 16GB via the Virtual RAM feature. It includes dual stereo speakers equipped with Dolby Atmos technology.
Talking about optics, the Realme Pad 2 sports a 5-megapixel front camera and an 8-megapixel rear camera. It packs a 8,360mAh battery that is claimed to offer up to 17 hours of video playback time and up to 190 hours of music playback time on a single charge. The tablet supports 33W fast charging.