New Delhi: Veteran actress Sushma Seth's granddaughter Mihika Shah passed away on August 5, 2024. The sad news was shared by her mother and actress Divya Seth on Facebook. She is said to have died due to fever and then seizures. Mihika Shah's demise has sent shockwaves across the entertainment world, with many celebrities expressing their grief and condolences on social media. Actor Rohit Roy shared an emotional note on Instagram, in which he reflected on his deep bond with Mihika Shah and recalled the last moments they spent together.
Take a look at the post:
Expressing his grief, Rohit Roy wrote, “You may be the child of different parents, but you are and will always be my baby girl… You are the sweetest and most sensitive child I have ever known and I remember how excited you were to give your mummy a wonderful birthday… When you said bye Rohit papa, not even in my wildest dreams did I imagine that you meant it.”
Praying for Mihika, Roy said, “While I pray that you reach where you went comfortably, I also pray that you return to your parents in some form or the other… See you soon Mihika, I love you. RIP,”
The news of Mihika Shah's sudden demise was shared by her mother Divya Seth on Facebook. The post read, “With great sadness, we inform you of the passing away of our beloved Mihika Shah, who left for her heavenly abode on August 5, 2024.”
Sushma Seth is renowned for her notable work in 'Hum Log', 'Dekh Bhai Dekh', 'Silsila', 'Tawaif','Kal Ho Naa Ho', among other projects.