Parliament Session 2024: The President's address was discussed in the Lok Sabha on Monday (1 July). During this, the Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi made such a statement that created an uproar. Prime Minister Narendra Modi was upset with this statement Narendra Modi Expressing his objection, he said that it is wrong to call the entire Hindu society violent.
Now Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra has also come forward to defend Rahul Gandhi. Priyanka Gandhi Vadra said that Rahul Gandhi cannot insult Hindus. She said that Rahul Gandhi has spoken clearly, he has spoken about BJP, he has spoken about BJP leaders.
Know what Rahul Gandhi said?
In fact, during the discussion in the Lok Sabha House today, Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi said that those who call themselves Hindus are engaged in “violence and hatred” 24 hours a day, after which NDA MPs staged a massive protest. During this, Rahul Gandhi said that “All religions and all our great men talk about non-violence and fearlessness, but those who call themselves Hindus only talk about violence, hatred and lies. You are not a Hindu at all. The Congress leader also showed a picture of Lord Shiva and said that his message is of fearlessness and non-violence.
#Watch Delhi: On the speech given by Congress MP Rahul Gandhi in the Parliament, Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi said, “Hindus cannot be insulted. He (Rahul Gandhi) has spoken clearly, he has spoken about the BJP, he has spoken about the BJP leaders.”
– ANI_HindiNews (@ANI_HindiNews) July 1, 2024
PM Modi expressed objection to Rahul Gandhi's statement
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Narendra Modi stood up and objected to Rahul Gandhi's statement. PM Modi said that calling the entire Hindu community violent is a very serious matter. After this, the Home Minister present in the House Amit Shah Demanded an apology from Congress leader Rahul Gandhi.